Ive recently added a news blog to my website, see it here http://www.ajstephensonremovals.co.uk/news-blog Now I'm no expert on these things but I wasn`t sure if I could duplicate posts both on here my Blogger site and on my website? I didn't want to upset any robots or spiders so I decided to keep the new posts on my website only and just do the odd random post on here, like this one. Maybe someone can tell me differently?
Anyway since my last published post from my blogger site on 15th March I have posted 2 new blogs from my news blog. The first was to celebrate Jo`s 10 years of service with A J Stephenson Removals the other was also staff related and was titled Can you deliver a quality removal service with unskilled removal men?
Both these posts are in recognition to the staff I employ and their hard work and dedication to me and my company. As any business owner knows you are only as good as the promise you make and you need quality people to deliver and in my case they give a bit more. Failure to deliver on what you say you will do, is a road to ruin. In my case I am confident promising the world as I know my staff will deliver it time and time again.
This is underlined by the fact that we have not only won the Most Loved removal business in the UK award, (and made it to page 8 of the Gazette as a result!), but we are regularly on the top ten list of the Guild of Removers website for most recommended removals companies. This top ten list accounts for the top 3% of the Guilds membership, understandably prime real estate. We are currently at number 10 but hope to creep up for April. We were number 8 in February. See the current positions from this link- National Guild of Removers and Storers Mover of the Month
That's enough drum banging for now! its all well and good putting it all down to the staff who deliver your service but the thanks must also go to our customers who kindly fill out the feedback cards for return to the Guild. You can see them on our removal testimonials page, aswell as some talking reviews on our new Video Testimonials page for both removals and storage services.
I am very lucky to have such great staff and customers. I am very grateful to them all.
So whats next? Well Summer is just behind those clouds! There`s loads of exiting things ahead for the year, the Queens Jubilee the Olympics (Ive got tickets for the synchronised swimming!) and of coarse the Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflowers anual Summerfest event on the 17th July 2012. Last year we ran a competition to guess the number of tapes in a crate, and we raised over £100 for Rotary. This year we will have an equally fascinating competition the details of which are yet to be decided. So why not pop down and see what were up to and hopefully we will have good weather this year!
Essex Removal Company, A J Stephenson Removals
Welcome to my Blog Site...
My Company A J Stephenson Removals, are founding members of the National Guild of Removers and Storers, and are Ombudsman approved. With over 30 years experience in Removals and Storage I am happy to offer help and advice regarding any aspect of moving you may have. I have written a unique report on removals titled "The Top Ten Removals and Storage Disasters to Avoid"! which is Free and available from my website, or by following this link. I have reciently been awarded the `ACE` Award (Annual Certificate of Excellence) from the Guild, for our consistant customer satisfaction record.
I will post regular blogs regarding different aspects of moving, please follow me and you will recieve these updates as they are posted.
Please look at my website for help & advice and much more.
I Hope you enjoy my posts!
Thanks for your Interest. Alan Stephenson